Jonathon Thwaites’ home biodiesel equipment – see how to set up

Next Workshop Cottesloe, Perth Sunday 29th November 2015 9 am to 1 pm

9:00 – 10:00      Biofuels and Biodiesel introduction

10:00 – 10:30     Biodiesel demonstration, making a 2 litre batch in class

10:30 – 11:00    Morning tea and discussion

11:00 – 11:30   Theory on biodiesel chemistry, testing

11:30 – 12:00    Finish biodiesel lab

12:00 – 1:00      Legal aspects, the future of biofuels, conclusion etc

Contact:  Jonathon Thwaites,  +61 419 924 355 or (08) 9384 6098

If you wish to book in please email me with your postal address and the course you want to attend and I will send information to you.


Fee:  $20 + $2 GST non-commercial, $100 + $10 GST commercial

Workshops run so far


Jonathon Thwaites (JT)                                  Biodiesel fuel


Sunraysier TAFE press release





Download article on the failure of government policy to make a cleaner renewable fuel available.

Biodiesel good news stories:

  • Farmers Weekly – call for Biodiesel action
What is Biodiesel?

Biodiesel is a renewable fuel made from  vegetable oil (new or used) or animal fat (saturated oils/fat). It  is an environmentally friendly replacement for, or additive to, diesel fuel. Some of the advantages are:

• No major engine modifications are needed to use biodiesel. •             Does not require special storage or fuel dispensing facilities. •             Reduced harmful exhaust emissions, almost no sulphur emission. •             Reduced hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, aromatics and particulates             emissions. • Better engine lubrication than low-sulphur diesel             fuel. • Has better power rating than conventional diesel – is a             better fuel. • Excellent biodegradability characteristics, low             toxicity and high flashpoint. • Biodiesel is renewable. Carbon is             recycled through plantations back into oil. • Can be made easily             and safely with small (backyard) and large scale equipment.

Renewable fuels like biodiesel are a much more sustainable source             of fuel and have the potential to greatly reduce our reliance on             expensive imported oil, leading to the creation of local jobs and             the improvement in trade deficit.  Biodiesel offers the             potential to create a whole new industry, locally owned and run, and             employ thousands of farmers and related industries in WA. It             may even offer some benefit with regard to salinity problems.

Biodiesel some information on testing and             problems?

Notes on testing and problems people make             experience with it.

Warranties information

Warranties             but in German. In Australia almost no engines are warranted for             biodiesel – that’s because the Aust Govt is so progressive with             regard to environment.

Hydrogen storage medium:

Currently in Perth the most emissions intensive fuel in terms of             life cycle. Yep those green buses in Perth are the worst vehicles in             town for emissions. The ultra pure hydrogen is very energy intensive             to make and is made from oil. The fuel cells being developed by             companies like Ford and GM use oil for their source of readily             available hydrogen. Hydrogen as a technology is not available now             (maybe 20 years away – what were they saying about global             warming – how long have we got to make the changes?) and will             require very complex and expensive technology, probably using rare             metals etc. It will be owned by large corporations and does not fit             a sustainable model of connecting people to the effects of the             resources they use – it will not be locally based.

Ethanol fuels:

Ethanol costs roughly 2 x as much as biodiesel to produce per             Joule of energy. Ethanol production in the mid west of USA from corn             has a net negative energy output. It uses more energy to make it             than is available in the fuel (it is heavily subsidised, requires             large capital intensive processes to manufacture and so can be owned             and controlled by large corporations).

Compare a modern petrol hybrid car with a modern European common             rail diesel

The diesel:

  • Uses less fuel per km (20 to 25 km/l compared to 17 to               20 km/l for hybrid of the same size)
  • Has lower emissions
  • Is lighter
  • Is simpler
  • Has more on road power
  • Is cheaper to build
  • Is cheaper to run
  • Does not have batteries that wear out in 7 years and cost               $8,000 to replace
  • Does not have a battery bank that with a petrol tank near               by is a serious explosion hazard

But with the hybrid you will be captured by this large corporate             technology.

Comparison of fuel production costs per unit of energy


Food or Fuel debate

A biofuels industry can work – it depends on how it is managed –             its local cultural, environment and economic environment.

For example broad acre farming in Western Australia :

1 hectare of land will produce approx. 1 ton of canola (there are             better crops to grow). 1 ton of canola will produce approx 500             litres of oil which will make 500 litres of biodiesel.

A 20,000 hectare broad acre farm in the WA wheat belt will use             approximately 20,000 litre of diesel.

So it takes 2/1000 th of the farm area (40 hectares) to grow             the fuel to run the farm.

Noting that Modern broad acre farming tractors and headers etc             are of the order of 1 M Watt machines that run exclusively on             diesel.

Now if we look to the future when diesel may become very scarce             or expensive (really the same thing) what options do we have             for growing this food.

Petrol – No – if no diesel no petrol either.

Ethanol – No – usually uses more fuel to make than is produced –             something funny about massive US subsidies. More than twice as             expensive to make as biodiesel.

Hydrogen – No – very inefficient, expensive and probably             never a competitor in the transport sector because so many other             options are so much better, efficiency and environmentally wise

Batteries – No – not likely – technology is not there

Power plug to grid – No -would need to upgrade whole grid to get             capacity out of it – very expensive

Horse and plough – No – farmers 100 years ago allocated 25% (not             0.2%) of their land for horses, also ploughing 20,000 hectares             with a horse might take a bit long

Biodiesel – YES – in fact there are no other options available             and none even remotely on the horizon.

So if diesel becomes scarce the debate is not “Food or Fuel” –             it is “Food and Fuel or simply starve” in Australian broad acre             farming sector.

So we need a biodiesel industry in Australia – it needs time to             develop and mature and if people in various political parties refuse             to see sense then they are directly contributing to the starvation             of possibly millions of people for no good reason.

Big general, global solutions never did exist – they were and             still are a fiction for big corporations that like to operate             globally – usually in third world countries and to their detriment.             All the solutions for the future will be niched and optimised to the             local cultural, environmental and economic environment.

Biodiesel is currently in commercial production in many countries             in the world including the USA, Germany, Italy, France and the Czech             Republic.

70% of all new cars sold in France in 2006 were diesel and             similar figures hold for Europe this is because they are the most             efficient and readily available vehicles on the market.

Biodiesel is clearly the most effective renewable fuel. If             produced on a regional basis by local communities it can bring             people back in touch with the effects of the resources they use. If             the Howard model for biodiesel manufacture in Australia is allowed             to progress the industry will be owned by large oil. Corporate             farming will follow, with large monocultures and destruction of             local communities. Farmers will become little more then labourers             for US, Chinese and European oil, finance companies – is this

Howard’s and Rudd’s legacy?

Why are ethanol and hydrogen being pushed so hard – they are             clearly inferior fuels in terms of sustainability, efficiency,             accessibility? There are few clear answers to this, but it seems             clear that they are complex, expensive and will capture the market –             they can only be made by large global corporations. Biodiesel and             diesel engines can be made anywhere, on any scale and this             technology is not only the most efficient but the best fit we have             for the sustainability model and community ownership.

The Australian Government appears to be pushing to give this             new industry to the oil companies. The oil companies appear to have             successfully lobbied the Federal Government to hinder the progress             of this industry in Australia.


Sweden has announced that by 2020 it will no longer be using             fossil fuels, it has roughly half the population of Australia.

The 2006 the fuel excise (simplification) bill has made             regionalised production of biodiesel very much less attractive.             Infrastructure for production is being push into the capital cities             as large capital intensive projects as usual. These projects will             be, and are being bought up by large oil who will, it seems, own             most of this new industry unless we work to turn around this             terrible legislation.